Monday 6 May 2013

"Girls" and "Boys" Toys and Cloths

What is the first thing that you think of when you think pink? Usually you would think girls over boys, right?  Well, that isn't necessarily true.  I know many boys that like pink, and I know many girls that actually hate pink.  Lots of people think just because it is a certain colour or shape our label, they mean that it is just for one gender, they can be for many genders. On many toys there are labels like BOYS and GIRLS, but nothing is only for girls or boys, that is why I put girls and boys in the title in quotation marks.  A while ago I saw an add in a newspaper/magazine and it was advertising   telescopes.  There was a pink one, a silver one, and a blue one.  Guess which one had less power, medium power, and excellent power? The pink one had less power than them all, and the silver had most and the blue had medium.  Technically the message we are sending out to the world is that girls can't be the same job as boys, they are saying that boys have all these "manly" jobs and in other magazines they put girls with kitchens and vacuums , but do girls have to do  only certain jobs that involve cleaning, NO, not at all.  Girls and Boys can do what ever they want to do, they don't have to follow all those magazines and newspapers.  So remember that when you grow up, you can do what ever you want it doesn't matter what gender you are.

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