Friday 21 December 2012

Another Awesome Website!!

If you guys are into Free rice, and you enjoy there system of giving, then I bet you will like this website.
It's called We Give Books, When you read a book online, it gives a book to a child in a developing country!!!Cool, eh!!!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Project Thank-You!

Our class is doing a project called Project Thank-you! One of our classmates, Pat noticed that nobody was saying thank-you! So he decided to make this thing up called "Project Thank-You"
Project thank-you is when you give a mini card,
 (you can print your own and read all about it @  our class blog) when they do something nice for you, like holding a door, making you something, helping them at there work, anything they are thanked for. Then once him/her has received the card, they put there initials on it then they pass it on to someone who does a good deed for him/her! It is a really good idea! Do you think so?

Sweet story!

There is this really kind, sweet video that my teacher found!
I find it really sweet, you are not expecting the ending to be what it is!!!
They never tell you what's in the present. On that ,they leave you hanging!!
It's actually a commercial for John  Lewis, a compartment store.What a good commercial, it would make me want to go there!!!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

They's Are Really Cool Pictures!!!- Oragami money objects

Here are some pictures that I find really cool!

Aren't they cool, They are made out of american money!!!!
I wish I could do that!!! Do you agree??

Monday 17 December 2012


Have you ever wonder were "stuff" comes from?
Me neither, and the really cool thing is that once you think about it, it can be hard to make, Gross , Easy, you never know!?!?!?!?
In class we are learning about where "stuff" comes from!
There's this website Where Challenge were you can watch some videos, and you can even win prizes if you do a Where It's From project!
( I recommend watching the video, it's actually really cool, it make you wonder)

So, when you look at an object take the time to think:
-What's it made of
-Who makes it
-Where does it come from


Hanukkah has came, and gone once again.
Have you guys ever thought of what the story behind Hanukkah is? Me neither, but just a few days ago I learned the story! It's a very interesting story!
The story is:
Once upon a time, over 2000 years ago Jewish people were fighting against the Syrian ruler, because he said that the Jewish people had to worship Greek gods. So once they finally won they celebrated by lighting a candle, but they only had enough to light the candle for one day, but they light it anyways! As the first day came and gone the candle stayed light, then the next day and the next! And the candle stayed light for 8 days, WOW. And that's why Hanukkah is a 8 day celebration!, because the miracle of the candle lasting 8 days!

Interesting story, isn't it?!?!

I also want to show you some songs/versions of Hanukkah my teacher showed me:
Her are the links:
Hanukkah Stop Motion
Dreidal Song

The second song, I did not know all those verses, I only knew the "I had a Little dreidal, I made it out of clay...."  verse

Wednesday 12 December 2012


Did you guys know today is 12/12/12!!! Amazing isn't it!!!!!!
What did you do to celebrate 12/12/12?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

Tuesday 11 December 2012


There is this really cool website called Kiva. It's a micro-loan website! How it works is you chose a person to donate 25$ at time, then that goes towards what ever there needing, than once they have reached there goal (100% money raised), they buy what they needed then they start paying you back!!!!Then you get to countine loaning that $ to a bunch of people once it is repaid!!!!Isn't that a cool site!
Our class together is donating 75$ dollars to a person, we are trying to decided WHO!!!
If you want to check the site out here is the link:

Walk of the Earth !

Gabby recommended I post this video, It's called walk of the Earth, It's soooooo cool! Me and my friend's were joking and said it would be cool if we did this with a UKULELE , that would be hard and crowed, don't you think so?!?!?!?!?!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Trick for Editing your work!

Here is a trick for editing your work, we use it in class, It's a very helpful method!


Think ARMS

Add – Add words in places that need them!Add sentences they are needed!

Remove – Remove X-ess words that aren't needed, or sentences!

Move – Move around your text, play around with it till your HAPPY!

Substitute – Replace, words for words,sentences for sentences 


Think CUPS

Capitalization – At the the begging of a sentence and proper nouns or I

Usage – Use words and punctuation were they are needed! 

Punctuation – Use ,!?/;:"-' properly 

Spelling – Spell words correctly, if it helps use a dictionary

You should defiantly try this at home!

Wednesday 5 December 2012


The Game I am Talking about is Free Rice, It's AWESOME!
Here is the link:
They actually donate the rice to developing countries!
I play it quite often!You should too!