Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Qatar Visitors

On Febuary 22nd we are having 2-6 people from Qatar visit our school to learn about Alternative schools because they are thinking of opening a Alternitive school in there country.
Here are some facts about Qatar for you:

1 Qatar dollar is equal to 100 fils which is like canadian  dollars 1.00 canadian dollar is equal to 100 cents
<--That's what Qatar money looks like

Did you also know that the language that they speak in Qatar is Aribic. They say "Hello" in Qatar like this:
"مرحبا " which pronounced MAH-A-BA they say "blog" like this: بلوق
It's prounced BA-LOOT I think!

The people from Qatar want to know why Alternative schools are so good, here are 2 of my reasons I think alternative schools are so great:
I like them because you get to do a lot of fun things that some other schools don't get to do.
I aslo think alternative schools are awesome because you get split classes which is great because you get the chance to work with other grades and not only yours.


  1. Thanks for all the information Fiona, that was interesting to read.

    1. Your Welcome, I glad you enjoyed it!

